Events and Media

Welcome to our wellbeing Events and Media page.

Here at Lemon Well Med, we love contributing to your health by sharing valuable information on health concerns and offering solutions to improve those issues.

 Register for upcoming wellbeing events or view past recordings at your leisure. 

 Are you interested in a topic that we did not cover? Please send us your suggestions at

The educational videos are supported by experienced and qualified healthcare professionals.

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Join us at the IPM whole person health conference 2024

6th – 8th June 2024

QEII Centre, London

Stand F73, Third Floor, Fleming Room

Coupon Code LEM-FREE for free entrance and attendance of workshops

Previous Events and Media

IPM Congress 2023

At Lemon Well Med, we provide the perfect med tech solution to elevate practices and clinics to one-of-a-kind wellness centres and the best integrated one-stop solution for whole body detoxification and rejuvenation. Our innovative concepts and unique combinations of devices enable practitioners to offer a true holistic healing journey for their patients. For more information email us at We also provide liposomal supplements that come in a unique dry form and that are produced by using one of the most advanced liposome-based technology. Explore our liposomal range or email us at We will be at stand number F64 on floor 3, in the fleming room, we look forward to seeing you there!

Antioxidant Power Couple

In this webinar we discuss what antioxidants are, what they do, and why we need them. Causes of oxidative stress. The innumerable benefits of glutathione powder in liposomal form and of r-alpha-lipoic-acid. Causes of depletion and what health issues can be supported. Correlation between glutathione and CV. With our nutritional therapist Anita Andor @nourishwithanita.

#glutathione #oxidativestress #antioxidants #covid #liposome #supplements #lemonwellmed

Benefits of Homeopathy

In this webinar Sahar Davari discusses about homeopathy and its incredible benefits. You will learn how it works, what health conditions can be treated, and how to use the remedies. Homeopathy UK, holistic healthcare. #homeopathyhealth #homeopathymedicine #homeopathyworks

Belly Fat and Fasting

How do chronic cortisol spikes, impaired HSD enzyme activity, and low testosterone contributes to belly fat, and what can we do about it. Why you should fast, and how to do it correctly. With our nutritional therapist Anita Andor. Reduce cortisol, holistic healthcare. #fasting #fast #nutrition #bellyfat #holistichealth #weightmanagement 

The 7 bridges to happy hormones

We are teaching you about the 7 essential bridges to be considered for happy hormones, and how to ensure the key hormones are balanced. The longer chronic hormonal imbalances are unaddressed, the more difficult is to bring them back into balance. With our nutritional therapist Anita Andor. Balancing hormones naturally. #hormones #hormonebalance #hormonebalancingfood

Hay fever

Do you ever wonder why more and more people are developing hay fever? You can find everything you need to know about Hay Fever in this video, the factors that contribute to it, the role of histamine, foods that increase or reduce histamine, and supplements that target inflammation and reduce histamine. With our nutritional therapist Anita Andor. Hay fever relief, hay fever remedies. #hayfever #supplements #inflammation #histamine